We are inviting all MGC Members out to our second Roosevelt Social!
This will be an 18-hole tournament, and we will host a lunch social for all players after the round has finished.
Roosevelt is an executive course, but we will be playing it twice for a full 18 holes. There are no golf carts, so we will be walking, but there are push carts available for all players.
Date: Saturday, December 18th
Time: Tee times begin at 9am
Format: We will be playing a two formats for this tournament!
The first 9 will be a two-man best ball
The second 9 will be a two-man scramble
We will be paying out 1st-4th:
1st: $500
2nd: $300
3rd: $200
4th: $100
We will have prizes from our great sponsors, Taylormade, & Blue Tees.
Drinks provided by Ashland Seltzers, and Off Hours.
Registration will close Monday Dec. 13th, so register for your spot now!